An update from Fr. Kemp, Priest-in-Charge

Dear People of God at St. Paul’s by-the-Lake,

I am writing to give you the latest update on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our parish life. As you undoubtedly know, Governor Pritzker has issued a “shelter in place” order for the State of Illinois through April 7. In response, Bishop Lee has instructed that church buildings be closed until further notice. For this reason, I must make a few amendments to the letter I wrote just a few days ago:

  • We will still be live-streaming Mass at 10:30 am on Sundays, but I will now be celebrating Mass at my home instead of at the church building, as I did yesterday (links for the archive are available on the website).

  • We will not be able to open up the church for Eucharistic Adoration on the upcoming Fridays I had announced.

  • I will not be praying Morning Prayer in the chapel as I had previously planned.

  • I am still available to make pastoral visits, as I see this falling within the exceptions allowed by the Governor’s order, though of course with social distancing precautions.

  • Please continue to mail in tithes and pledges. The Bishop is allowing minimal building access for maintaining operations, so your checks will still be deposited.

  • The April Messenger will be available electronically (via email and on the church website) on or around April 1. For those receiving paper copies, there will likely be delay in printing/mailing.

As difficult as this situation continues to be, it is also an opportunity for all of us to delve into the Book of Common Prayer as a resource for communal spirituality in a time of social isolation. I specifically commend to your use the services of the Daily Office (1979 BCP, pp. 35-146), the Great Litany and Supplication (pp. 148-155), and the Daily Office Lectionary (pp. 935-1001). These provide some prayers and scriptural texts that we can share even while we are physically separated from one another. 

Finally, please continue to pray for a quick end to this pandemic, and for all who are being affected, directly or indirectly, by the disease. By the grace of God, may this time of uncertainty be an occasion for deepening our faith in Christ, and being conformed more and more to his image.


Fr. Kemp+