Holy Week at St. Paul's by-the-Lake

Eve of Palm Sunday

Dear People of God at St. Paul’s by-the-Lake,

As we enter into Holy Week, it goes without saying that we are not at all in a scenario that we envisioned at the beginning of Lent. In some ways, this will feel a lot less like Holy Week, as we are unable to gather together and engage in the liturgies and practices to which we are accustomed. Yet in other ways, this may feel a lot more like Holy Week than usual, as we experience firsthand a sense of loss, depravation, and isolation, not entirely unlike what marked the events that we commemorate. 

In terms of Holy Week liturgies, we will attempt to approximate, as much as possible, what we would observe under normal circumstances. The primary dimension of this will be by live-streaming the liturgies of Palm Sunday and the Holy Triduum. However, there are certain elements of these services that cannot be done adequately through this medium. Some of these things can be adapted to individual and family use; others will have to be dropped completely.

Below is what you can expect for Holy Week at St. Paul’s this year, as well as suggestions of how to bring the remembrance of the events of Holy Week into your own home. We hope that you will avail yourselves of these opportunities to stay connected to the church as we enter into the great mystery of our redemption, the Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. And remember that even in this time of great sickness, isolation, and uncertainty, Christ is still victorious over evil, corruption, and death.


Fr. Kemp+


Palm Sunday

Live-streamed Mass at 10:30 am, include the Liturgy of the Palms (no procession). Sunday School to follow.

Unfortunately, we are unable to distribute palms to parishioners this year. 

Suggestion for home: Cut or make your own “palm” as a remembrance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 

Wednesday of Holy Week

Live-streamed Tenebrae Service at 7 pm.

What is Tenebrae? The name comes from the Latin word for “darkness.” This ancient liturgy is a version of the monastic office that consists of chanted psalms, canticles, readings, and the gradual dimming of light. While this is not typically a service we have done at St. Paul’s, it will be offered this year as an opportunity to contemplate our Lord’s Passion.

Maundy Thursday

Live-streamed Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 pm.

There will be no foot-washing (Mandatum), Agape Meal, or Altar of Repose.

Suggestions for home

  • Spend an hour in prayer before going to bed, in remembrance of our Lord’s agony in the garden (“Could you not watch one hour?” Mark 14:37).

  • For families and those who live with other people: Share a meal together, and wash one another’s feet.

Good Friday

Live-streamed Liturgy of the Cross at 7 pm. 

There will be no communion from the Reserved Sacrament. What is consecrated on Thursday will be consumed and not reserved.

Suggestions for home: Pray through the Stations of the Cross. Journey along with a short archived video HERE, with text to participate HERE.

Holy Saturday

Live-streamed Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter at 7 pm.

Suggestions for home

  • After the Paschal Candle is lit, light a candle and put it by a window as a sign of the light of Christ’s resurrection.

  • Ring bells during the Gloria in Excelsis and/or at the end of the Mass.

Easter Day

Live-streamed Mass at 10:30 am. Sunday School to follow.