Our Church Sunday School program runs from September through May for children from through 8th grade. High school students are encouraged to serve as teachers or assistants.
Our Sunday School program includes a Children's worship time with songs, prayers, Bible stories and other engaging activities. In addition, students participate in the 10:30 Mass as lectors occasionally throughout the year. This year, we also had a ‘Teaching Mass’ to help our children learn more of the details and nuance of our Mass.
Sunday School takes place at the end of 10:30a mass, in the library on the second floor of the parish house building.
5 years old – 2nd grade: children go up to Sunday School immediately following Communion
3rd grade and up (including altar servers): children go up to Sunday School following Mass
“Will you who witness these vows do all in your
power to support these persons in their life in Christ?”
1979 Book of Common Prayer, Holy Baptism
Teaching Mass
Sunday school
Our Sunday School program includes a Children's worship time with songs, prayers, Bible stories and other engaging activities.
CLICK HERE to watch all recorded Sunday School lessons during Covidtide.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
St. Paul's VBS is put on annually during the summer for a week-long church "summer camp" for parish and neighborhood children.
Click HERE to watch a video of our fun Vacation Bible SATURDAY adventures together in 2021 and HERE for other photos from this wonderful day.
Throughout the year our Children's program creates opportunities for the kids to serve St. Paul's and beyond. Examples included hosting a kids-hosted coffee, preparing Christmas gifts as part of Operation Christmas Child, and sharing music on Sundays as part of our Children's Choir.
Christmas Pageant 2018 - The ABCs of Christmas