A Letter from Fr. Kemp, Priest-in-Charge

Feast of St. Joseph

Dear People of God at St. Paul’s by-the-Lake, 

I am writing to follow up on the previous communication about the suspension of public liturgies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As it is looking like this will be the situation for at least the next several weeks or so, I want to make you aware of various ways to keep up our spiritual and liturgical life as a parish within the parameters of the Bishop’s directives:


  • We will be live-streaming Sunday Mass at 10:30 am on our website and Facebook page. We had a dry run on this on Sunday 3/15, and are working to fine-tune quality and convenience. These services will include all the readings and a sermon, and possibly music on occasion. Additional information will be sent out and available on the website by Sunday.

  • Unfortunately, we can be almost certain that this will continue through Holy Week and beyond. We plan to live-stream Holy Week and Easter services, so stay tuned for more details as we get closer to those dates.

  • In lieu of our Friday night Lenten series, I will be opening up the church on Fridays 3/20, 3/27, and 4/3 from 5 to 7 pm for Eucharistic adoration and private prayer.

    • If you come and there are others in the church, please observe both reverent silence and appropriate levels of physical distance.

  • We have added a new section of our website for resources for personal, family, or small group worship together, which can be found HERE. Some initial content includes:

    • The text for Stations of the Cross can be found HERE for private devotional use. 

    • I have adapted from the Prayer Book a service of Morning Prayer and Spiritual Communion that can be used by individuals, families, or small groups of laypeopl. The text can be found HERE. Readings for each week can be found HERE.

  • Beginning next week, I will be praying Morning Prayer in the chapel most weekdays. While I cannot invite others to join me, I want everyone to know that regular worship is being offered in the church building.


  • If anyone would like to receive Holy Communion, I am more than happy to bring the Reserved Sacrament to your home upon request. Call me at 614-314-1475 to schedule a visit.

  • Related to this, I would be glad to schedule a visit to administer Holy Unction or hear Confessions as needed.

  • As always, do not hesitate to contact me in the event of a pastoral emergency.


  • Please do not forget to send in your tithes and pledges, as we still need enough cash flow for basic operations such as payroll, utilities, etc. You may mail a check to the parish office (7100 N Ashland Blvd., Chicago, IL 60626), or consider setting up an automatic payment from your bank account.

Please remember to pray for those suffering from COVID-19, for those who care for them, for civic leaders and public health officials seeking to mitigate the crisis, and for God to use this time for his good purposes. Also, consider ways that you might assist your friends and neighbors who may be particularly at risk. For example, see if you can go out and pick up food, supplies, etc. for someone for whom going out may not be safe at this time. And do check in on one another by phone or internet periodically, as this situation can cause many to feel lonely and isolated.

As difficult as this situation has been, and continues to be, I am deeply encouraged by the faithfulness and devotion that I have seen among the people of our parish. May these unexpected ways we are called to observe Lent sanctify us and conform us into the image of Christ.


Fr. Kemp+