Updated COVID protocols effective March 2

In line with updated city and diocesan guidance, we are happy to announce the following updated protocols:

  • Masks will now be optional in the church building.

  • However, during Mass the back half the Nave will be designated as masks required, while the front half will be optional.

  • Masks are now optional as well for readers, singers and other servers. The presider will still mask during the consecration of the elements.

  • Altars will be used again for distribution during communion, as well.

  • Communion will still be in one kind only (bread) until permission is granted to reinstate the common cup for the wine.

  • Altars will be used again for distribution during communion, as well.

  • We strongly encourage maintaining social distancing when at all possible.

  • While Coffee Hours are now allowed, we will hold off restarting them until Easter for now.

As always, if you or any of your family members attending with you are not feeling well and showing possible symptoms of COVID, please stay home and worship with us online until you have confirmed all clear.

This is a still an opportunity for us to show care for all our community, as we have parisishoners of all ages and medical situations, many of whom are not able to be vaccinated yet. So showing love and care and caution as each make their personal decisions on what is best for them and what they are comfortable with is so important.