Resumption of In-Person Public Worship

UPDATED 2/6: Thanks be to God, as mentioned last week during the live stream, with Chicago moving back into Tier 1 mitigation we are now able to resume public worship, with a limit of 50 people per gathering space. Thus, the 8:00a and 10:30a Masses will be open again to the public tomorrow, with overflow seating in Banner Hall as well during the 10:30a Mass once the Nave reaches the 50 person capacity. The 10:30a Mass will also continue to be Live Streamed as well.

As in the past, we will continue following all appropriate safety protocols (face covering and social distancing requirements, Eucharist in Host only, intense cleaning, etc). As well, we ask you be extra conscious in servicing caution for your and everyone's health and safety if you are not feeling well or have recently had possible contact with someone with COVID. Finally, given the forecasted snow this weekend also please be safe in that regards!

A reminder that Daily Masses have also resumed Tuesday-Saturday, and are another way to worship and receive the Eucharist in a smaller setting.