Christmas @ St. Paul's Church by-the-Lake
Please join us in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ through our joyous Anglican worship, beautiful music and festive decorations.
The Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord
10:15p Choir Concert
10:30p Solemn Procession, Blessing of the Creche and the Christ Mass, Rite I
10:30a Sung Mass, Rite I
December Messenger
November Messenger
October Messenger
August & September Messenger
June & July Messenger
Please click HERE to view the latest edition of the Messenger
Key June Events: Please join us for Bp. Lee Visitation on June 23, and Fr. Heschle’s final Sunday with us will be June 30, with an Ice Cream Social reception following the 10:30a Mass!
In This Issue
Fr. Heschlē Farewell
Fr. Kemp Welcome
Search Committee Update
June & July Calendars
Summer Events, Vacation Bible School, Bishops’ Visits
Patronal Festival
Parish Register
Tip of the Biretta